The IdeaIt is critical that our walk matches our talk, or else we disqualify the message. At Clarity, we hope to introduce our core values one at a time, as we learn to live them out. The first value we will introduce is “Serve First.”
Jesus came as a servant to all, and thus demonstrated what it is to know and follow God. Our desire is to clearly reflect Jesus, the ultimate servant.
The Story
I, Nathan, have come to learn that the best thing I can do to lead this church community and serve our city is to first truly serve my wife and daughter. It all begins in the home, with those closest to us. Tragically, they often become the ones that get the brunt of our anger, dissatisfaction, and selfishness. I want to turn that trend upside-down and see our homes as the birth place for life and city transformation. This emphasis has renewed my family, relationships, work and calling. I encourage you to follow in these ways.
Do not keep score, defend your rights, or become enraged when you feel wronged. Rather, become the servant of your family, your husband, your wife, your friends, your co-workers, and even your enemies. Go out of your way to find an unexpected way to serve everyday, and watch the atmosphere around you be transformed. Ask God to help you with this, He will.
We will be living this, teaching this, and holding each other accountable to this. Our first gathering of every month will have an emphasis on serving first. We will give, volunteer time, and pray.
The first organizations we are partnering with are Charity Water out of NYC and OPCC in Santa Monica. To get involved, join us on a Sunday night and/or contact us.
Backing it Up
Jesus said, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." -Matthew 20:26-28