Borrowed post from Jeff Leake. Worth sharing.
I was reading in my devotions this morning and came across this familiar verse in Proverbs 24: An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.
I was meditating on several ways this is true.
1. Having someone tell you the truth is a GIFT! Living in self-delusion is both a trap and a path toward pain.
2. Hearing the truth is easier and best from those who have earned the right. We don't just let anyone kiss us on the lips. :)
3. If you truly care about someone - you can express it by telling them the complete truth. Another Proverb says- 'better is open rebuke than hidden love.'
4. As you tell them the truth make it much like a kiss and less like a punch in the face.
5. When someone cares enough to speak the truth in love - receive it like a kiss not like a punch in the face.
Maybe you need to kiss someone today?
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