Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Top Seven Expectations #1

Not One Year, But Ten Years

"We often overestimate what we can do in one year and underestimate what we can do in ten years."

The beautiful thing about a church plant is that it's a light that moves into a city and stays there. It is so important for us to recognize and expect this to be a process that does not happen in a day, but day by day. Development and effectiveness come from making good decisions over and over again... being faithful in the moment with the understanding that they have long lasting, even eternal impact.

True relationships, trust, and influence are what we need to be effective, and they ONLY come in time. Let's make it the habit of our lives to live missionally, daily exchanging our fleeting plans for His eternal plans. OUR DAILY OBEDIENCE WILL LEAD TO TWO AMAZING THINGS... LIFE TO THE FULLEST TODAY AND FRUITFULNESS TO THE FULLEST TOMORROW.

If you have the expectation that Clarity will be fully formed and functioning as of this Sunday night, I have bad news for you... this is just one of our first baby steps, and babies aren't the best walkers. But they do have room to grow strong and healthy over the rest of their lives. Let's focus on growing strong and healthy so we can sustain what God wants to do through the life of Clarity.

Take root below and bear fruit above. Isaiah 37:31

"Programs start big and end small. Movements start small and end big."

Jesus focused on twelve and they forever transformed this world. We feel their impact today. In fact, we are their impact today. Lets throw off the false expectations and comparisons that only end in pride or discouragement, and lets live to clearly reflect God in the lives of those we rub shoulders with every day.

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