Friday, October 8, 2010

Top Seven Expectations #4

Not Numbers Centered, but Vision Centered.

Our goal is not to get a certain NUMBER of people into our theater, it is the fulfillment of our VISION! If the goal was a number, I could have a pastor friend of mine fly 150 people in from his church of 3,000 in Arkansas and fill all our seats. Would that make the launch a success, NO! Our vision is that people would clearly see and know God. So, if ten people come and begin the process of clearly seeing and knowing God, SUCCESS! If one person comes and begins that process, SUCCESS! If no one comes, but people are beginning that process through our relationships in the community, SUCCESS!

Our role in the fulfillment of this vision is VERY simple... be WITH God, TRUST Him, and OBEY Him. The results are in HIS hands. We are here to plant and we CANNOT force-produce fruit. As a friend of mine says, the fruit is none of your business!

Focus on our vision today. Take steps forward in its fulfillment through being WITH God, spending time in HIS Word, building true friendships with the people HE loves, and living to clearly reflect HIM in the lives of the people you rub shoulders with everyday!

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