Monday, November 21, 2011

The "Thankful List" Challenge

Sometime this week...

1. Sit down with some paper, a pen, and about twenty minutes of free time.
2. Get in a place where you can focus, without distraction, and put on some quiet music.
3. Write down ALL the things you are thankful for. Don't rush. Don't be afraid to stop and just think.
4. As you do, ask God for His perspective and allow your spirit to rise up in worship and thankfulness.
5. Don't take even one thing for granted!

This is life changing. Learn to see all your life through the grid of gratitude. As you do, you will also begin to commit all your days into God's hands, trusting that every good and perfect gift is from Him. And... what once were your greatest problems, may become your greatest opportunities. Opportunities to rethink, to grow, to seek God, to gain new perspective, to reframe, to refocus, and to understand what really matters.

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