Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Revolution of the World - Prayer

John Foster writes, “If more or all of the disciples of Christianity were to pray, with an earnest and unalterable resolution, in order that heaven should not withhold anything that the most persistent prayer could obtain, it would be a sign that a revolution of the world was at hand.”

This month at Clarity is the Prayer Experiment. What would happen if we truly UNDERSTOOD and BELIEVED what the Scriptures taught us about prayer AND were fully engaged in participating in the highest calling of prayer? Let’s find out! We will seek the face of God, make our petitions known before Him with shameless audacity, ask with persistence, and believe that mountains will move. We will be a house of prayer when we gather as one and when we scatter into our personal lives throughout the week.

This focus in prayer will be coupled with a focus on studying the Word of God. Each person will receive a Life Journal and be taught the SOAP exercise of Bible study. There is NOTHING more important than learning to connect with God daily on your own!

Jesus is clear in John Chapter 15 that we can do nothing apart from God. He says that we can only be productive as we abide with Him and stay connected to the vine… for we are the branches, and we NEED the vine for sustenance and effectiveness. The way we stay connected is to spend time in His presence, talking with Him, and listening to Him through His Word and His voice.

My desire is to see our church explode with spiritual growth and health as we each learn to connect with God! This, and this alone, is the beginning of a revolution of the world.

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