I have been SO amazed by our church's heart of generosity! It reminds me a lot of the kind of church culture seen in the book of Acts.
The Report
1. Since the beginning, there have been various people giving anonymously to help others out just when they needed it. Awesome.
2. Now, in the past month, we have had our first two special offerings for missions projects on Sunday mornings. Both Sundays had about 50 people in attendance, and both offerings were well over $2,000.
3. Then, I just found out that last week at one of our small groups, four people stepped up to give $600 to pay for four low-income kids from another church to go to an awesome youth convention here in SoCal.
4. Lastly... this month, after all the extra giving, has still been the best financial month for Clarity since we started.
The Point
Now, this is not all about money... BUT, where your treasure is, there your heart is. An evidence that you are following Christ and truly care is always clearly seen in your spending choices.
And, all this has been done before we have even had enough money to pay for all our own operational expenses. But, the growth and culture of generosity has been undeniable. We are seeing the truth of the simple principle... you REAP what you SOW.
So, keep supporting this church as we grow into self sufficiency (meaning all expenses paid from in-house giving), and we will keep setting our culture up as one of generosity as we give whenever and however we can. I believe that in the future, this church community will give many millions of dollars to the work of God all over the world (from justice issues to evangelism to the ends of the earth).
The Thanks
Also, we will ALWAYS need a support network as we plant more churches in west LA and wherever God leads us. Thanks to all those in the Clarity community in LA that give the best of their time, talent, and treasure to see God’s Kingdom come here. AND, thanks to all those around the country that faithfully support us prayerfully and financially.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.