The Creativity Expo was an experimental two week series that began on Easter Sunday at Clarity. It featured music, fine art, poetry, VFX reels, live interactive songwriting, a live interactive sermon, and more.
It all pointed people to our master Creator; the one who spoke into existence His brilliant creativity expo and gives us the incredibly good new of Jesus. Here are 10 reflections:
1. People were saved! I saw true redemption in people’s eyes and that is amazing! All of heaven celebrates every single one who returns to God.
2. God was glorified! He was worshiped, exalted, and seen for who He is. This is at the heart of what we were created to do. He is huge, we are small, and that is good news.
3. Our community was built up, pumped up, and encouraged through the Word. It is awesome to be a part of a growing church; in every way.
4. Our Clarity team pulled off yet another excellent event. Sometimes I am more aware of how awesome this team is, and this is one of those seasons. Thanks everyone for being great and serving first.
5. The Clarity Kidz Creativity Expo was wonderful. Kids are not just our future, they are our present! In the Kingdom of God, kids are a HUGE deal. I’m proud of our team and all our kids.
6. The local creativity was brilliant and well appreciated. It is an honor to be a part of people’s intimate, vulnerable, and honest work. Art is key in the expression of Jesus and the renewal of neighborhoods. It tells the story. City developers seem to understand this more than the Church. Strange.
7. The live interactive song writing was insanely fun and hilarious. We have two new hits: “Get Lucky Ducky” and “Bubbles.”
8. The live interactive SOAP sermon was powerful and eye opening. This will be a regular practice for us from this point on; maybe once a quarter. The talk on the 4 stars, the vastness of the universe, and the cross holding us all together gave us new perspective.
9. Our Missional Communities are in full swing again. This is a great place to begin practicing Abiding with God and Missional Living (some of our values that are transformational when lived out).
10. This was a great Expo! There were risks, there were some mistakes, but it was worth it and we learned a lot. We now move into our next series, “Don‘t Look Back.” May is Live-Dead month (focusing on our work in Somolia). The summer is packed with wonderful fun and growth. And this Fall is going to be incredible (expanding team, new MC’s, 2 year anniversary, Clarity 2.0)!
That people will clearly see and know God, and that we would see true renewal in our neighborhoods, city, and world. Amen.
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