For those who are following our current series, here are the notes (including the fill ins) for Part 5, “Brought into Fullness.” You can listen to the message here.
Part 5 – Brought into Fullness
Colossians 2:9-10
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.
What is God’s fullness? According to Colossians, here are seven aspects of God’s fullness which you are brought into.
1. Full Power (2:10b) – When you are brought into Christ, you are connected with the highest power in the universe. It is creative, problem solving, world creating, imaginative, legal, and authoritative power. You need not seek more power.
2. Full Qualification (2:11) – When you are brought into Christ, you are qualified by the one who holds all the power. It is far higher than any degree or diploma, it is the seal of competence from God himself.
*(2:16-23) The rules are but a shadow, the reality is Christ.
3. Full Life (2:12-13a) – When you are brought into Christ, you are given life to the fullest as a gift. The deepest joy, love, and passion are alive in you.
4. Full Forgiveness (2:13b) – Your “list of sins” is erased and you are left only with a clean slate, a pure heart, and clear conscience.
5. Full Freedom (2:14) – When you are brought into Christ, all your indebtedness for sin is cancelled. You are made completely free.
6. Full Relief (2:16) – When you are brought into Christ, the burdens you carry, the weight you uphold, the problems that bind you, are all released and you can breathe.
7. Full Affirmation (2:16) – When you are brought into Christ, you need not justify, defend, or affirm yourself… rather, God himself is your public affirmation and justification. Amazing.
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