Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Complete - Part 3 - The Riches of Understanding (Notes)

For those who are following our current series, here are the notes (including the fill ins) for Part 3, “The Riches of Understanding.” You can listen to this message here.

Complete – Part 3
The Riches of Understanding

Colossians 1:24-29 and 2:1-5

1. There is a mission so important that it is worth suffering for, becoming a servant to, and strenuously contending for with all the energy of Christ (1:24, 25, and 29).

a. to present the Word of God in fullness (1:25)

b. that you may be fully mature in Christ (1:28)

c. understanding that God has chosen to make known the glorious riches of this mystery to you (1:26-27)

2. The message that drives the mission is Christ in you, the hope of glory (1:27).

a. glory is greatness, splendor, and magnificence

b. part of this glory is the goal for us to be encouraged in heart and united in love so that we may (2:2)…

c. have the full riches of complete understanding (2:2)

d. know the mystery of God, which is Christ (2:2)

e. have all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (2:3)

3. Hope means two things…

a. a hope that rescues you from your failure and grants you glory

b. a hope that is a sure expectation and certainty

4. There will be those who convincingly try to deceive you (2:4)

a. be disciplined (2:5)

b. decide how and when

c. have a firm faith in Christ (2:5)

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