For those who are following our current series, here are the notes (including the fill ins) for Part 4, “Two Words for Life.” You can listen to the message here.
Complete - Part 4
Two Words for Life
Colossians 2:6-7
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
This is the simplest and possibly most profound message you have ever heard. In every situation you encounter, just remember two words. These words have great theological and practical implications.
Based on Colossians 2:6-7...
1. Receive &
2. Continue
Always remember... receive the fullness of God through Christ. You can't earn it or lose it, you can only receive it. Then, continue. Don't stop, keep walking, deeply rooted in Him, bearing fruit, strengthened in faith, and filled with thanksgiving. It's important to start strong but imperative to finish strong.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Complete - Part 4 - Two Words for Life (notes)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Complete - Part 3 - The Riches of Understanding (Notes)
For those who are following our current series, here are the notes (including the fill ins) for Part 3, “The Riches of Understanding.” You can listen to this message here.
Complete – Part 3
The Riches of Understanding
Colossians 1:24-29 and 2:1-5
1. There is a mission so important that it is worth suffering for, becoming a servant to, and strenuously contending for with all the energy of Christ (1:24, 25, and 29).
a. to present the Word of God in fullness (1:25)
b. that you may be fully mature in Christ (1:28)
c. understanding that God has chosen to make known the glorious riches of this mystery to you (1:26-27)
2. The message that drives the mission is Christ in you, the hope of glory (1:27).
a. glory is greatness, splendor, and magnificence
b. part of this glory is the goal for us to be encouraged in heart and united in love so that we may (2:2)…
c. have the full riches of complete understanding (2:2)
d. know the mystery of God, which is Christ (2:2)
e. have all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (2:3)
3. Hope means two things…
a. a hope that rescues you from your failure and grants you glory
b. a hope that is a sure expectation and certainty
4. There will be those who convincingly try to deceive you (2:4)
a. be disciplined (2:5)
b. decide how and when
c. have a firm faith in Christ (2:5)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Complete - Part 2 - It's All About Jesus (Notes)
For those who are following our current series, here are the notes (including the fill ins) for Part 2, “It’s All About Jesus.” You can listen to this message here.
Complete – Part 2 - It’s All About Jesus
Colossians 1:15-23
I. Jesus is the perfectly clear image of God. (1:15)
-the power behind the creation of all things (1:16)
-the reason for the creation of all things (1:16)
-the glue that holds all things together (1:17)
-the operating system of the universe (1:17)
-the leader of the church (1:18)
-the first born in the family of God (1:18)
-the fullness of God (1:19)
-the re-connector of all things to God (1:20)
-the peace-maker through His blood shed on the cross (1:20)
II. You were completely disconnected from God, but now, because of Jesus, you can be fully reconnected.
-You were alienated from God (1:21)
-You were an enemy of God in your mind…
because of your evil behavior (1:21)
-But now, you are re-connected to God…
presented holy in his sight…
without blemish and free from accusation (1:22)
-If you continue in your faith…
being established and firm…
not moving from the hope held out in the gospel (1:23)
Complete - Part 1 - I.D. from God (Notes)
For those who are following our current series, here are the notes (including the fill ins) from Part 1, “I.D. from God.” You can listen to this message here.
Complete - Part 1 – I.D. From God
Colossians 1:1-14
1. When you know who God is, then you will know who you are.
-God the Father has a perfect and loving will to be revealed to you, His child (1:1, 1:9).
-God the Son is Jesus, your Savior, rescuing you from sin and death (1:13-14).
-God the Spirit gives you wisdom and understanding (1:9).
-God’s good news to you is the gospel (1:5-6); declaring you qualified (1:12), rescued (1:13), and forgiven (1:14).
2. When you know who you are, you will know what to do.
God’s will is… that you may live a life worthy of the Lord… which is to please Him in every way… by…
a. bearing fruit in every good work,
b. growing in the knowledge of God, and
c. being strengthened with ALL power according to HIS glorious might… so that
1. you will have GREAT endurance and patience
2. and give joyful thanks to God
3. When you know who God is, then you will know who we are.
The church is God’s holy PEOPLE, the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ (1:1-2).
The difference between attendees and members can be summed up in one word: commitment.