Monday, January 31, 2011

Faithful in the Moment

Yesterday I talked about how God has a plan for your life. This is so encouraging in theory, but it doesn’t always feel like we are in the middle of God’s plan, does it?

So, we took some cues from the life of Joseph to wrap up our Genesis series. There are not many others who have had as high of highs and as low of lows as Joseph did. And all the while, he was right in the middle of God’s plan. I’m sure Joseph, at times, wanted to curse the air, throw in the towel, and just forget God. After all, how could God allow him to be hated to the fullest by his brothers, thrown in a cistern, and sold into slavery by those who were supposed to protect him? Could this really be God’s plan?

But, we see that through all of it, God was bringing forth His plan for Joseph’s life. That plan was divine relationship and divine purpose. And it is the same for you today! God’s plan for you is to be in a relationship with Him, and to work His purpose through you. You get to walk and talk with the God of all the Universe and play a vital role in the plan of heaven for earth. Wow!

BUT, how do we deal with all the highs and lows that God will use to get us there? Well, Joseph wasfaithful in the moment. He saw each moment, dealt with the reality honestly, chose to work as unto the Lord (even when in slavery), chose to maintain his love for others (even when in prison), and chose to maintain his faith in the Lord (even with a destroyed reputation).

So, how will you handle your moment? Will you see it and be faithful in it? Will you trust him? He has a plan for your life! Below is an acronym I made that goes through the stages of Joseph’s life and also spells out FAITHFUL IN THE MOMENT. Don’t forget it!

F.avor from his dad (his dad loved him the most)
A.nger from his brothers (his brothers hated him for it and were jealous)
I.nspiration from God (God told Joseph he would rule)
T.elling the truth to his family (Joseph innocently told his loved ones)
H.ated to the fullest by his brothers (brothers hated him more, to the point of murder, lies, and selling him into slavery)
F.avor in the workplace (from slave to ruler)
U.prightness in secret (when tempted sexually)
L.ied against in public (falsely accused of an affair)
in the
M.adness – imprisoned for doing right (for the wrongful accusation)
O.pportunity in the midst of the madness (ruler of the prison he was being held in)
M.adness – forgotten for two years (forgotten again)
E.xalted over all of Egypt (made ruler of everything in Egypt)
N.o Promise unfulfilled (everything God said, happened)
T.otal Forgiveness towards his family (Joseph forgave them all and wept over them in love… probably the greatest miracle of all, the power to forgive )

The story begins in Genesis 39. Go read it!

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