Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do Not Be a Christmas Goober

Most of us have certain songs, movies, locations, functions, clothes, etc. that we have come to intertwine with the Christmas season over the years. Many of us have looked with great expectation to those things to bring us warmth, memories, and/or happiness at this time of year.

While these things can lead to great and wonderful reflection (which they should), they can quickly become harmful when they become our hope for future joy. Future meaning tomorrow, the next day, or the next day. They will certainly be found wanting in the end.

Do not be a Christmas goober. A Christmas goober is someone who wants and wants and wants and wants all for themselves. Not just presents, but feelings. This year, do something that is for the interest of someone else that you normally would not do. Something supernatural. Not just a nice present, but something that may make you feel uncomfortable, but needs to be said or done.

Pslam 23 says, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."

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