Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last Saturday Night Before a Sunday Morning at Lighthouse

Late Saturday nights have been habitually amazing times of prayer, revelation, and expectation as I prepare to minister the following Sunday morning at LWPC. I can recall many songs that were written and many tears that were shed. 

One of the most memorable was about three and a half years ago when I was at the church at 1 AM and had just finished my last minute preparations to the stage and the Song Show Plus presentation. I took great pleasure in everything being in order and ready for the morning, and then sat at the baby grand piano and just began singing "O that someone like You would love someone like me, O that someone like you would die to set me free, O that someone like You is there so faithfully, You're a selfless savior, and You're exactly what I need." Then the verses began to pour out just as fast. They were a desperate cry from a low place that I wasn't necessarily experiencing in that moment, but I felt it all the same. Turns out, when I sang it the next morning in service (just 8 hours later), God used it to FREE someone from serious suicidal thoughts and intentions! How amazing... they approached me weeping and felt the song was directly from God for them... which it was. 

I went on to record it, sing it to minister in many churches and services, and perform it at GMA's Music in the Rockies as a top three finalist for worship song of the year. 

... just one of the memories that is now bitter sweet as this season comes to a close. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome man. God is so good at surprising us with ministry that we did not plan for. Yet it's the best.
