While I was away on vacation the past two weeks, I had several nights of strong spiritual warfare. I would wake up and have to go right to the Word of God and prayer. I realized that God was allowing me to feel and understand what many in our church are currently going through.
So, this Sunday I will begin to teach how to “know when” and “win when” you are in spiritual warfare. Over the past month, many people in our church community have come under more spiritual attack than usual.This is part of the evidence that we are clearly seeing and knowing God, because we have an enemy that hates what is going on.
Now, I’m not advocating that there’s a demon under every bush or that our sinful nature is not a huge part of this, but I do think we underestimate the kind of spiritual attack we are experiencing. So, here are three areas of spiritual warfare and the possible symptoms. When you are experiencing these things, understand you are in a battle for your soul.
1. You are being seduced and the truth is being distorted.
Possible Symptoms: You operate out of selfish ambition, you are not content in Christ or with what He’s given you, you are running to things that destroy you, you hurt people you love due to not valuing what you have, and ultimately, you are an addict; mastered by something other than Christ.
2. You are living under false religious duties.
Possible Symptoms: You perceive yourself as a failure and are discouraged; or you perceive yourself as a success and are prideful. Your life can be like a roller coaster; sometimes feeling so accomplished and sometimes feeling like a total loser, all based on your performance and duties. You have become disconnected from the grace and kindness of God.
3. You are hurt and offended.
Possible Symptoms: You blame others, you run, you are often angry, it is very difficult for you to trust, and you repeatedly disconnect and isolate yourself. You may wonder why you’re always the victim.
Over the next two weeks at Clarity, I will teach through these three areas of attack and how to defend yourself against them. We will be spending time in the Word of God together, learning how to win.
Have I missed an area that you are dealing with? Let me know at info@clarity.la.