Guest Blogger - Pastor Jeff Leake from PA posted this yesterday. Great stuff.
I absolutely love the summer months. Maybe its because I live in Pittsburgh, where good weather is a rarity and something to be treasured? But summer can also be a time where we drift away from God. Why? Schedules shift and change. Small Groups take a break (some keep meeting). Habits are sometimes put on hold.
A spiritual malaise can settle in on our soul.
Here's some suggestions for how to stay strong spiritually this summer:
There is nothing quite like a nice day, early in the morning, or late at night - to get alone with God. A few days ago, I got outside early in the morning, walked several miles, and just talked to God about what was on my heart.
Some of the time, I tuned my own spirit to listen to what God had to say to me. And some of the time, I just enjoyed the beauty of God's handiwork and thanked him for the opportunity to enjoy this moment in His presence. It was truly refreshing.
One of the most important disciplines for my soul is the practice of 'journaling' where I record the personal revelation that God is speaking to me at the moment. Most often it is a reflection on a specific verse of Scripture and an application to my own life at the moment.
I love the format that Wayne Cordiero provides (S.O.A.P. - Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer). Sit down in a park or on the beach with a pen, a Bible, and a journal and record what God is saying to you specifically right now.
Find someone who will fast with you for a few days. Join a freind in serving someone in need. Host a picnic for your neighborhood and ask your small group to help you host it. Read through the book of Acts (one chapter a day for a month) and get together to talk about what you are learning as you read.
There is something very powerful about the HABIT of church attendance. More important that any one message that you hear preached or any one experience you have in worship - is the collective impact on your soul that occurs when you develop the consistent habit of just showing up.
I think the modeling of that conviction is one of the most important things I can do for my own kids spiritually. My parents built that habit in me. It stuck with me throughout life. It revealed what was truly a priority. Worship wasn't based on schedule or convenience. It was a value that was expressed by a habit. Powerful stuff.
There are so many creative resources available to you to feed yourself spiritually. Read a devotional book. Download a free podcast and listen to a message. Identify a passage of Scripture that you want to understand better. Get out a notebook and research a passage for yourself. There are some great online tools at sites like or
I guess that bottom line is this: If you don't take initiative and ownership over your own spiritual life this summer, you may very well drift away from God. It doesn't have to be that way. You can thrive if you do more than just survive. So I say - go for it. Make this summer one of your best summers ever.