Monday, April 25, 2011

Eight Gifts of Hope in the Midst of a Mess

Eight Gifts of Hope in the Midst of a Mess

1. Read John 20:1-2 - If you’re a great failure like Peter, or a great sinner like Mary Magdalene (the prostitute), than you’re a perfect candidate for God to use powerfully and to be in the inner circle of his followers.

2. Read John 20:3-9 - If you don’t fully understand God’s plan or what He has repeatedly told you, you are in good company, and his plan is unfolding perfectly.

3. Read John 20:10-15 - You may not recognize Jesus in the midst of your trials, but He is right in front of you, speaking to you.

4. John 20:16-18 - In the midst of your blindness, Jesus calls your name, reassures you that you are His family, and gives you a purpose.

5. Read John 20:19-20 - Jesus stands among you in the midst of your fear, shows Himself to you (and your loved ones), and gives you peace that leads to joy.

6. Read John 20:21-23 - Jesus gives you peace, gives you the Holy Spirit, and sends you on His mission with authority.

7. Read John 20:24-30 - God is not threatened by your honest feelings in the midst of trials. Even then, He will prove Himself to you.

8. Read John 20:31 - Jesus is the Christ and is the living hope. He gives you life in the midst of your mess.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday ReCap!

We had an awesome Easter gathering this morning at Clarity! Despite an angry dude showing up and threatening to shut us down (which he can't... but we were graceful about it), we had 45 first timers (over 15 of which were kids!), and 2 first time decisions to follow Jesus. The Clarity team killed it (again) and everyone had an awesome time.

This was a huge weekend for us between the Eggstravaganza and Easter morning! We invested a lot of time, energy, and resource into it all... many months of prep. Because of this, many people took significant steps forward in the journey with God... and that makes it all worth it!

See you all this Sunday as we host Austin Andrews from this season of the Biggest Loser! Bring some friends... anyone who loves the show!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Clarity Eggstravaganza ReCap!

We had a GREAT Clarity Eggstravaganza today! With 500 kids, 1,100 people, and lots of new community connections, it was a huge success! The Clarity Team (and our extra help from Bakersfield) were amazing! They successfully set up and pulled off this whole event while making everyone feel welcomed and loved! We met so many wonderful families that we look forward to getting to know!

This was a lot of time, energy, and resource well used! The school district and city staff said they have never worked with a better and more organized team... a testament to the teams quality. BE SURE to come to our Easter gathering and see the team in action again. More importantly, see the God that inspires and is the motivation for this team. Every Sunday morning at McKinley Elementary at 11 AM!

The sky diving easter bunny landing was... and I hate to use this word... EPIC! Video coming. All 25,000 eggs gone :) Thanks to everyone who came and helped out. Wow!

Monday, April 18, 2011

How wise do you work?

I can work with the best of them. When I am passionate about something, there is little that can stop me from doing it. BUT, the truth is, working HARD doesn’t always mean working WISE. For instance, it’s not wise to but all your time and energy into moving in the wrong direction.

The bible puts a VERY high premium on wisdom!

My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Proverbs 3:21-22

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
Proverbs 4:7

...for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 8:11

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
James 1:5

Take a step back. Ask God for wisdom. Evaluate your priorities. Determine your main focus. What is your mission? What has God called you to do? What are you most passionate about? Where should you be putting your greatest time and energy?

I encourage you to ask these questions prayerfully and in light of God’s word. There is no way to truly find clarity without the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. God will renew your mind, change your motives, and set you on a course that is divine. It will not be easy. In fact, Jesus promises you will have trouble in this world, but that we can take heart, because He has overcome the world (John 16:33).

Join us at Clarity Easter Sunday, April 24 to learn how to walk in peace in the midst of chaos.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Letter from Pastor Nathan to the Clarity Community

I am so pumped for this weekend’s launch into our new venue, new time, new “Clarity Kidz” programs, and new series “The Perfect Storm!” God has prepared the way for us every step so far, and He will continue to do so. This is His will, so it is His bill; meaning, He will accomplish all that He wants to! We just get to be the ones He is using!

Right now, we are preparing for the move of God. Don’t get me wrong, He is moving already, but I am talking about a GREAT harvest. We are like a farmer. He plans, plants, and waters, but cannot make a tomato grow. He is just preparing for the miracle of God to happen. But a farmer never sits on His butt and says, ok God, give me a harvest. He gets up early, busts his butt, is faithful to the process, and then waits!

Here’s an important illustration from Steven Furtick (Pastor of Elevation Church) to help us with perspective as we prepare for the move of God.

“Have you ever been dressed to the nines for a wedding and had to stop along the way at a gas station? Feels pretty silly to be dressed so nicely pumping gas. And it almost feels like you need to explain to everyone: 'I’m going to a wedding…' whether they ask or not.

But when you get to where you’re going, you’ll look great. You’ll fit right in.

Church growth is like this. It feels silly sometimes to build structures and systems that accommodate more people than you’re currently serving. But you must. In fact, my mentors have told me to structure Elevation like we have twice as many people as we currently do.”

So, we are dressing for what is to come. We are preparing for the move of God! I am so blessed to be in this with all of you and am honored to be the pastor of this awesome church!

Check out the additions and new navigation on our site. Use it as leverage to invite and create awareness online. The website is the front door of the church for people in our culture. Most importantly, PRAY and OBEY. Pursue God every day! The rest is in His hands.

See you bright and early on Sunday!
