Thursday, March 31, 2011

Keys to Being a Great Fisherman

Jesus did not call us to be better people, better parents, better business leaders, etc... he called us to be fishers of men. This simply means we catch people with the gospel... the love of Jesus. This is our mission. Here are a few keys learned from being a great fishermen.

1. Fishermen have to go where the fish are. This is obvious, but if someone is going to reach a certain people, they need to go where those people are.

2. Fisherman have no control over what the fish do. All Jesus tells us to do is to cast, not to catch. Only He can do the catching. Great fisherman cast and cast and cast. When great fisherman fail (which they do all the time), they don't give up and only watch fishing on TV, they keep casting!

3. Fisherman have STORIES of great loses and great catches. If you don't have any recent stories, you're not fishing. If you only have stories from five years ago, you used to be a fisherman, but you're not now. Get in the boat and fish.

4. Great fisherman have great guides. I just learned this. Fishermen rely on the guide to take them to the right place at the right time. We have the ultimate guide in Jesus. It goes best when we listen to everything He says.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Side Deals with God

When it comes to being a fisher of men, many people in the church today try to cut side deals with God. They internally say things like... I will be bible boy, or missions girl, or volunteer man, or worship woman, or kids worker, but not fisher of men!

The truth is that it is impossible to reconcile being a follower of Jesus and not being a fisher of men. It's a certainty, followers fish. If you're fishing, then you're following. If you're not fishing, then you're not truly following. Yes, it may be uncomfortable being a fisher of men, but we are called to be comfortably uncomfortable. God got uncomfortable for us so that we could have eternal comfort. We must do the same for others.

Matthew 4:18-19 and Matthew 28:18-19.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The State of the Church

The State of the Church
Acts 2:42-47

Twelve Signs of a Healthy Church.
*Borrowed from Rod Loy.

A Healthy church is…

1. Learning (vs 42)
2. Loving (vs 42)
3. Praying (vs 42)
4. Humble (vs 43)
5. Supernatural (vs 43)
6. Unified (vs 44)
7. Generous (vs 45)
8. Committed (vs 46)
9. Fun (vs 46)
10. Worshipping (vs 47)
11. Influential (vs 47)
12. The Lord added to their number daily. (vs 47)