Thursday, August 26, 2010

What Can You Do?

Just as much as it was God's work to create, it is His work to maintain. As little as man could create himself, is he left to provide for himself. - Andrew Murray

Our heart is the scene of a divine operation more wonderful than creation. We can do as little toward the work as to creating the world. - Andrew Murray

I still remember one of the first sermons I ever preached. I was a freshman in Bible college, had the chance to speak to my class, and the opening line I came up with was...

"What can you do to move forward on this journey with God... nothing."

This statement can seem contrary to much of our preaching which encourages people to take very practical steps forward. But, in actuality, the most practical thing we can do is to simply place ourselves in the place where God can work in us. We have nothing to do with the actual work... it is divine. We simply give him access to our lives, and He works miracles.

This process can be likened to setting a sail to catch the wind. There is nothing we can do to produce the wind, but we must simply be ready for when it comes.

So set the sail and get ready for the wind to take you beyond what you could ask or imagine. Make it a daily habit to sit before the Lord, giving Him access to work in your heart. The wind is His.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Church Jesus Started

Guest Blogger- Pete Hise

This is great. Enjoy...

"The Bible tells us that the Church is the Bride of Christ. She was dreamed up by God Himself and she is magnetic, powerful, compelling, loving, contagious, compassionate and embracing…a place where people stand in lines to get in…a community where people sing at the top of their lungs in praise to God…and a place of healing where marriages are thriving and families soaring. The Church Jesus started is a place where God’s presence is so rich and His power so clear that people are begging to be drawn in.

All over the book of Acts, we see common, ordinary people who’d been with Jesus or heard the message of His love and redemption and couldn’t help but spreadthe Good News. Acts 13:49 says the Gospel spread like wildfire.

The Roman Empire tried to shut it down, but it didn’t work. For 2,000 years the sword couldn’t win out over love, weapons and hate couldn’t overcome the cross. Nothing can separate us from His love and nothing will stop His pursuit.

That is the beauty of the church. That’s what Jesus left in our care…the relentless pursuit of a God who will not give up on His kids…the lives of ordinary people so changed by His love that it spills out like grace poured out at the cross…the power of His Spirit that death itself cannot stop…and the compelling truth of His message that brings hope, forgiveness and grace to all who will receive it.

People…that’s the message of hope we’re called to bring, that’s the Church we’re called to lead and that’s the community of faith Jesus is calling us to BE. The momentary troubles we face now are NOTHING in light of His strength and power. Light the beacon of hope for those around you…they’re dying to see Him through you."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Non Negotiable Goal

If your non negotiable goal in life is success in the eyes of everyone, you are guaranteed to fail. If your non negotiable goal in life is to to walk with God with integrity and character, you are guaranteed to succeed.

Now when I say "guaranteed to succeed," I don't mean that others will necessarily deem you successful. Remember, to this day, the most successful and significant person to ever walk the earth is/was Jesus... and to this day, many see Him as a failure.

It all comes down to the fact that God determines the end, not us. We can only determine the effort AND that the effort is directed toward the proper goal.

When the Lakers were playing the Celtics in the Championship game, I'm sure Kobe wanted to win with all his heart. But there was no way he could MAKE that happen. He was dependent on his team and also had the Celtics opposing his every move.

So, realize that you can ONLY control your effort and where it is pointed. You cannot control the end.

So put all effort into the non negotiable goal, knowing and being faithful to God, and God will determine the end to be what He deems successful.